Article in Eesti Päevaleht (2009-04-20)

Article in Eesti Päevaleht 2009-04-20

There have been complaints that the younger art is kind of drowsy and repeats that has already been done. This does not apply for Maarit Murka. Already now epithets like „brave“ and „fruitful“ are used to describe her. She is actively involved in the creating of her own image and is not afraid of the media. Some time ago she had an exhibition in Helsinki in Korjaami gallery, that now can be viewed in Art Depoo gallery. The set has been supplemented by a few works.

Murka is an artist that is very self-centred, who exposes her body, fears and environment. Now she has taken on hers and mans six senses. She is interested in how are things with her: which sense is dominating and which is hindered? Some people see, smell, feel or hear better than others. Murka puts her balance ability to the test, while painting in 0,43 per mille intoxication. And tests her sense of taste in a video, painting – or rather repainting – a photorealistic portrait with her tongue.

I have always been interested in experiments like this. Murka has room to develop, as one thing is being drunk, but this how draw those who are blind or whose right side of the brain is paralytic, this is something completely different. Kiew studio of scientific movies has made a movie about blind or deaf-mute children, who contact with the world only in tactile way, that is only by touch, and how they modelled a perfectly realistic elephant of modelling paste.

Natural economy of the artists

Ants Juske

In Tam gallery we can see the event of Maarit Murka called „Art exchange for artists“. The idea is that in not so good economic situations currency is based on pieces of art. Although prices still exist, the 19 artists may also exchange their works. For this there is an application sheet. Artists have always exchanged paintings or given as gifts. Now all this is public. Of course not the most dear paintings have been brought to be exchanged, but this is what makes the exhibition so interesting. Usually I can tell the artist of a picture just by looking at it from a far, but this time not always. Most probably they have taken some things from the bottom drawer.

I asked Murka if there was a possibility for me to go and get a painting I have and exchange it to a painting presented at the exhibition. Murka said that this time only artists themselves can exchange paintings, but why not do this some other time – if you have a painting hanging on the wall that you are tired of, you can make a deal with an artist and exchange it with some of her works.

Ants Juske

On kurdetud, et noorem kunst on kuidagi uimane ja kordab seda, mis on juba ammu ära tehtud. Maarit Murka kohta see küll ei kehti. Juba kasutatakse tema suhtes epiteete „julge” ja „viljakas”. Ta tegeleb aktiivselt ka oma kuvandi loomisega ega karda meediat. Hiljuti oli tal Helsingi Korjaamo galeriis näitus, mille paari tööga täiendatud komplekti saab nüüd vaadata Art-Depoo galeriis.

Murka on väga enesekeskne kunstnik, kes eksponeerib oma keha, hirme ja keskkonda. Nüüd on ta ette võtnud iseenda ja üldse inimese kuus meelt. Teda huvitab, kuidas temaga asjad on: mis meel domineerib, mis on pärsitud? Mõned inimesed näevad, haistavad, kompavad või kuulevad paremini kui teised. Murka paneb proovile oma tasakaaluvõime, maalides 0,43-promillises joobes. Maitsmismeelt katsetab ta videos, maalides – või õieti üle maalides – keelega oma fotorealistlikku portreed.

Mind on sellised eksperimendid alati huvitanud. Murkal on arenguruumi, sest üks asi on joove, kuid see, kuidas joonistavad pimedad või halvatud parema ajupoolkeraga inimesed, on juba hoopis midagi muud. Kiievi teaduslike filmide stuudio tegi omal ajal filmi, kuidas pimedad ja kurttummad lapsed, kes kontakteeruvad välismaailmaga vaid taktiilselt ehk siis kompamise teel, modelleerisid plastiliinist täiesti realistliku elevandi.

Kunstnike naturaalmajandus

Tam-galeriis kureerib Maarit Murka üritust „Kunstivahetus kunstnikele”. Mõte on selles, et raskes majanduslikus olukorras on võetud valuuta aluseks kunstiteos. Kuigi on olemas ka hinnad, võivad 19 kunstnikku omavahel töid vahetada. Selleks on avaldusankeet. Eks kunstnikud ole kogu aeg pilte vahetanud või üksteisele kinkinud. Nüüd on see kõik avalik. Mõistagi ei toodud vahetamiseks oma kõige armsamaid töid, kuid see teebki näituse huvitavaks. Tavaliselt tunnen ma kunstniku pildi kahekümne meetri kauguselt ära, kuid seekord mitte alati. Ilmselt on nad midagi sahtlipõhjast välja koukinud. Küsisin kuraatorilt, kas näiteks mul oleks võimalik tuua kodust pilt ja see näitusel eksponeeritud töö vastu vahetada. Murka ütles, et seekord vahetavad ainult kunstnikud omavahel, kuid miks mitte teha seda edaspidi: kui inimene on kodus seina peal rippuvast maalist tüdinud, võib ta selle kokkuleppel mõne kunstnikuga välja vahetada.