Murka virtual exhibition in (2008-12-11)

Murka virtual exhibition in 2008-12-11
Maarit Murka MURKAS THEOREM X+Y=ART (15.11.2008-31.01.2009)

The meaning of the term “realism” in art and more widely in culture has considerably changed during the last couple of generations – or rather it has branched due to the development of various understandings. This does not only concern every possible prefix, like „photo“ „hyper“ (not even „socialistic“ and „magical“) and the rising of sociality as one dimension of art to be dominant and leading. Intrinsically realism is aspiring for a truthful representation of reality – but reality and truth (as loyalty) have after the invention of photography and moving pictures gained so many new meanings and layers, that to see the connection between them we would really need three-dimensional schemes… It is not necessary to hereby remind, that thanks to media, truth and lies are reproduced in an outright geometrical progression – being mixed into a intoxicating cocktail.

Question about the authenticity of the image is retreated today to tiny dots, pixels and probably one day, from there on vanishes into non-existence. However behind the playing with reality there isn’t only the magical possibilities of computer programmes and tempting special effects. Also thinking is going down the same road, arising fundamental dislocations and bringing about new conceptions of what we believe is reality, really existing. And if one day the reality show becomes more real to the viewer than the surrounding reality itself, then form a subjective point of view we can forget the word show – the spectacle has become the reality. And knowing has inconspicuously been replaced by superstition, worshipping of idols.

The dream of each artist, whether a realist, abstractionist or scandalist, should be to capture whole of the viewer, change their life, maybe even change the world. Compared to the might of the entertainment- and advertisement worlds the toolbox of a „classic“ artist is very tiny and its activities intimate. But its role in being (and staying) human and protecting the „true factuality“ or „real-reality“ is as a matter of fact invaluable. Its creation is presented honestly as art – this is no art show. And a knowing viewer wants to consume it just like that – as a specific form of human activity, which by playing with real and imaginary, helps us to better understand the world. And ourselves.

To me it seems that Maarit Murka is one of those artists, who takes her creation and through it, also her viewers seriously. She is not playing to be an artist, she is an artist. We can see that she has to paint, whether with obsessive consistency the knots in barbed wire or herself as Hitler. How exactly Murka uses the photorealistic methods or any other techniques, is not important. No doubt that she knows her thing well and will become better at it. More important is that “something”, for what it’s worth to start a new painting. And a viewer to see it.

Vano Allsalu